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Hello ~ I loved the invitation to such a nice group 🌿😊✨

As my first entry let me share an Experience that I had one week ago…! - It cannot be told to ˋˋnormal´´ folks for obvious reasons 😉 {= they would question my sanity all too much 🤭 =}

———> I was looking for the cable to charge my headphones, being very surprised when it was not in its box - astonished enough to reach into same with my fingers, touching empty space….!

Next to this box which normally holds all accessories there also laid the headphones´ case - which I promptly opened for I thought if the cable was not in the box (~ where it rightfully belongs :) it might have slipped into the case by mistake… but also here there had been no cable in sight…!

I was pretty perplex…! ——> Not as much though as when I - just for the sake of it and pro forma - had been Inspired to open the ˋempty´ box one more time: and oh look…! The CABLE that I longed for (~ and all other little appendages :) where right back in it <—— 😲🪄‼️✨🤣🪄‼️✨

If I would not know it any better — I were inclined to say this sounds ˋlike a story from the madhouse´ 🤭 {~ unfortunately one is conditioned to think like this ~}

And naturally - being a product of this culture - one´s mind always questions the Experience / which to a certain degree is healthy… but when overdone very much Not 😉

I think the Art of ˋLetting It Be´ highly important: to neither dismiss and forget~suppress the event / nor judge it as too unique (~ to be true :) but rather normal (~ at least in the beautiful days to come :)✨

Of course I could have had ˋa blackout´ — But personally I would say the probability of this option is meager: after all I not only ~looked~ into the by then empty box but also ~touched~ the vacant space of same :)

Spontaneously I was inclined to think this has to be a false~bottomed~box…! 😅 Very well knowing that this is not the case at all :)

Actually I had two ˋTeleportation´~Experiences before {= one small & one bigger objects of mine relocated =} so I am not brand~new to ˋdroll phenomenons´ as it is :)

The very ~Impressive~ element of this one was the ~Close Succession~ of Empty versus Full 😆 — Since between the first & the second time of me opining the box there only laid about 15~seconds…!


So shortly in a row… Yay 🤣💫

……But I do wonder what to call this phenomenon exactly….? ~ Has anyone an idea or experienced something similar :)

ˋTimeline~Jump´ was the first term that somehow entered my mind 😆

Perhaps a ˋGlitch~In~The~Matrix´ 🤪

On the day before I heard a channeler speak about ˋParallel~Universes´ between which we perpetually switch :)

……For obvious reasons I am calling this one ˋThe Magic Box´ now lol


Robert Horst
Robert Horst
15 sept 2024

I always think of it as 'continuity'. Like on a movie set when they cut a scene and then the people assigned to continuity have to make sure everything is in the right place again when they restart filming. The misplaced stuff is either there to let you know reality is fluid - or whoever is running continuity for the Universe is sloppy.


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