Video of an object near my house.
Here is a 1.05 min video of an illuminated object in the evening sky I recorded while walking my dogs on December 8th. This was during the time I watched Linda Moulton Howe (I adore her), and Emery Smith interviewing Tim. I easily integrated our ASHN phrase into my daily mantras after learning more about Tim’s message. This was day two of me using it. I don’t know what that object was (still don’t), so I was cautious how I approached sharing it. I took it very personally. Whatever that object was that night, seeing it helped me to steadily remain on my course of learning more about Tim’s message (as if it knew I could use a soul boost 🩵).
The part that I found interesting is the moment when it started disappearing (I could see the stars~the sky was clear). After my excited exclamation, my very skeptical husband (mechanical engineer), who has been rejecting the notion of … basically everything related to UAP’s, said “I’m going to shine a light on it so it can take us” (around 38 seconds into the video) in that very moment it started to fade away as it “felt” his remark.
I have seen starlink over the same place when walking the dogs a year or two before, and it traveled east over us like a string of pearls instead of disappearing the way this object did. This thing was connected and solid, just brightly illuminated as you see it in the video. It was traveling vertically the entire time. It was slowly traveling towards us and when it got closer it faded away. When my dog pulled on the leash, you can see the smudges moving with my camera showing the object in one piece. I used my phone to take a closer look at it, because I couldn’t believe my eyes at first.
Knowing that humans have various technologies, I consider this being one of our Earthly designs (maybe any of you know..?) Nonetheless, seeing it during the time when I was learning about ASHN helped my soul. Maybe you can help shine some light on it 😉 🙏🏻
They might have been a Starlink multi-satellite deployment - they often look like a line like that. Initially they were bright because the sun was shining on them high up, but then the sun "set" on them and they appeared dark. Or... I'm totally wrong and this was somekind of an actual ET event. Either way, very cool! 🤗
You can check, I believe, online to verify the date and time and your location to see if they were indeed a Starlink deployment.