I am constantly aware via telepathy of the goings on of many, many many of my parallel selves.
Lots of helping and healing these other entities to heal the self
some personal mandala effects as timelines and people shift
Meant to be a great indication I'm heading down the path to one of the higher density New Earths where we condense and accumulate of all our past life experiences, relevant to Earth, up until a certain density and then embody a special physical vehicle in an Earth guardian role.
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Anyone suffering/celebrating multiversal madness symptoms?
I am constantly aware via telepathy of the goings on of many, many many of my parallel selves.
Lots of helping and healing these other entities to heal the self
some personal mandala effects as timelines and people shift
Meant to be a great indication I'm heading down the path to one of the higher density New Earths where we condense and accumulate of all our past life experiences, relevant to Earth, up until a certain density and then embody a special physical vehicle in an Earth guardian role.