Recent Disclosure Video
For those who follow the road to more mainstream disclosure, I find this very recent video very compelling. It is a video of an Air Force airman, Jake Barber, that was assigned to do various covert tasks, including retrieval of numerous objects. It was released only a few days ago. The reason I decided to share it with you is that among numerous messages this conveys, for me the biggest message is what (who?) guided him to share it with the rest of us. 💫 For those who haven’t seen it yet, here is the YouTube link.
Pia, Two years is a long time. I do hope he knows how much this is appreciated by people like us. I hope he remains safe.
Yes, always grateful for Tim and his amazing ways to help us. ❤️💝
Have you seen Emery’s first episode? Very emotional. I imagine everyone who decided to go forward feels this way. So grateful to these people for taking such risks.
Someone’s poetic interpretation was that the egg is a seed. As a symbol. I thought it was beautiful, and coupled with the way it made Jake feel I believe that it is very very meaningful to us 🤍❤️🤍
We 🌍 have so much healing to do and I feel hopeful that we are getting closer and closer. ASHN 🙌🏻 🪽