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WE <3

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Hi everyone in the WE💜-Hub - this is a more sensitive topic than usually.

As everyone knows, our friend David Adair had multiple heart attacks in a row - when we reached out as an ALL SHIFT HAPPILY NOW Community and sent him healing the Effects were AMAZING ⭐⭐⭐ Dave told me that the Doctors had to check three-times, before they too believed it as a fact: Dave was happily recovered. Our friend and team-member Kaedrich Olsen now suffers from a medical immobility and asked us for Help & Support. I would love to dedicate this month's S.T.A. mental exercise to a momentum of healing for Kaedrich who we really appreciate in our Worlds💜

On Saturday's Live we have meditated and send healing energies towards Paola Harris, who was hospitalized, and who as a journalist has done great things to the spiritual world.

Once again, the healing Effects were AMAZING ⭐⭐⭐

Paola is recovering.

Some specially attentive people amongst you, might have also picked up on our cryptic words "we direct healing towards everyone who just now needs this." This was meant for Kaedrich.

Let's support his betterment 💜

Haley Powell
Pia Morgaine

Kaedrich our beautiful white light healing energy surrounds you now as you heal yourself from within with your magnificent healing power. Grateful in love 🤍



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